Monday, July 29, 2013

“The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started”

Agatha Christie, Mystery Writer

The hardest part of financial planning is getting started.  As a planner of almost 25 years, I have heard almost every excuse under the sun.  Following is a sample of a few examples.  Have you ever made any of these statements?

20’s – I’m too young to have to worry about it.  I’m just getting started.  I need to buy a TV, stereo, car, etc. and other “stuff.”  There’s plenty of time. I can make it up later. I’ll just save more once I start saving.

30’s – I’m starting a family.  The kid’s school is expensive.  We have a house to pay for.  When the kids get older it will cost less. (Seasoned parents out there know that’s not true).

40’s – We want to have fun.  There is plenty of time to save.  Our kids will go to college on a scholarship.  We deserve to live it up!

50’s – We’re empty nesters.  It’s time to have fun, travel, buy that luxury car.  Our parents’ inheritance will take care of our retirement.  (Another future shock – your parents may not care about securing your future).

60’s – I should have started saving when I was 20.  I’ll never be able to retire.  Where were you when I was young?

You can procrastinate throughout your entire life and miss the boat, or you can quit making excuses. 

Start right now.  There is no time like the present.

What’s your plan for the future?


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