Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Assessment Process – Part 2: Taking Control

Now that you have kept your appointment with yourself (and with your partner, if you have one) I hope you feel lighter and more self-confident about your ability to take control of your financial life, now and for the future. No matter what you found out about yourself, you can take the necessary steps to design a plan that works for you. Some things I hope you came away with are:

• A belief in your own ability
• A sense that you can overcome obstacles
• Involvement & participation in your own life
• A sense of independence (married or not)
• No longer being kept (or keeping yourself) in the dark
• Being empowered
• Understanding that you are responsible for yourself

The big rewards for taking control of your financial life are primarily twofold:

• No more fear
• You’re a great role model for your daughters, sons, nieces, nephews and other young people you know

Think about living without fear. It means no more sleepless nights, no more anxiety as you keep your head in the sand. It means confidence that you are present in your own life and it means MOVING FORWARD.

Being a role model for your family means that a whole generation will grow understanding that they are responsible for themselves and that being in control is a wonderful feeling of freedom.

As we move forward with this blog, I will be talking about specific issues relating to women and how they can take control of their financial life. Whether you are a single or married career woman, a stay at home mom, or a divorcee or widow, there are steps you can take to make sure your financial life is centered and free of stress. I call it the HOLISTIC APPROACH to your financial life.

I hope you stay with me on this journey. I invite you to share your story with me via email at kathy@fishandassociates.com We can help each other help ourselves!

Note: I really want to hear from you, but because I am a financial planner and what we say and the things we write are highly regulated, I may not be able to fully reply to your comments or questions. I have to submit my responses through my compliance department, so I plan to respond to broad inquiries and comments rather than personal questions. Email me at kathy@fishandassociates.com